job application

I have found a job offer for my perfect dream job. At the moment I am trying to apply, but am just a bit down and low because I know the perspectives to actually get that job might not be too good, due to my f***** up work and educational history the last years. I am sure somebody else gets it. But if it makes sense I have to apply anyway, because otherwise, I might be wondering my whole life if I had missed a little opportunity to do something even more useful than what I am occasionally doing now and to change once again my life completely and radically.


quick update of links and similar

Anyway, the last days were a bit unexciting as mostly glued in front of my computer. Trying to work with GIMP instead of Photoshop, but in a way, it is quite difficult to untrain habits… With GIMP I really like that it is so easy to do screenshots and to change the colours into black and white, but what I find more difficult is cropping and working with different layers, which I haven’t figured out yet. But, in my opinion, GIMP is also very much better at compressing for web. The file size seems to be smaller. I also did the pictures and audio editing of Stallmans talk, as well as transcribing the interview.


Stallman talk and interview

Richard Stallman has been in Edinburgh yesterday, for a talk at the Informatics Colloquium. I had the honour to interview him. Reading the review on Ireland Indymedia about Richard Stallman’s talk in Dublin, I have the impression that it seemed to work out quite well in Edinburgh in general. Pictures are up now on Indymedia Scotland. Alongside with an article, which has by now 73 comments (more to be expected)… Not bad for a website which has just started about a month ago. The interview unfortunately is only 15 minutes long, as RMS was late for the interview. So couldn’t ask all the questions.



It seems more and more likely that the G8 really comes to Scotland in 2005 – up to now it’s all media information, but just yesterday the Edinburgh Evening News on its Saturday frontpage had the article: “Pushed to the limit”- about police holidays being canceled for 1.-14.Juli 2005 next year, when the G8 comes to Scotland. [report]. Apart from that Richard Stallman, the founder of GNU , Emacs and particularly the GNU General Public License will be in Edinburgh, and has kind of agreed to do an interview with me. Well not really particularly with me, but with “somebody from Indymedia Scotland who is knowledgeable about free software”.


A visit to the Scottish Parliament

Today I got my brain fried in the Scottish Parliament. Scheduled was a debate on “Major Events in Scotland”. As a critical natured politica I considered of course the possibility and rumours of the G8 coming to Scotland (report in the Scotsman) as a worthy subject for this parliamentary discussion. Unfortunately, the reality was disappointing: The discussion was more focussed around the Glasgow Garden Festival, the Highland and Island Music contest, the World Bowling Championship and the Robert Burns poetry festival as well as the Young people’s rugby championship and the British Open Golfing Championship to be held in Fife, than around anything vaguely important.