Autobiography of a Working Man

Finished reading Alexander Somerville’s “Autobiography of a Working Man”, first published in 1848. To publish, it would be good to write a summary, write a C.V. of the author, get a map of the local area of that time, and design a nice cover. Here I’ll reproduce the preface of the latest edition, written by Brian Behan. PREFACE SOMMERVILLE’S England was a turbulent place. A pastoral heaven was being changed by the industrial revolution into a smoky, fiery hell. Human beings counted for very little in the scales of the great (they st:ill count for nothing in the councils of the world).


republishing book

Fabian, a friend of mine, came up with the idea of republishing a particular book. At the moment I am reading it, after we had some problems finding a copy of the 1848 published book about the life of a working man, living near Edinburgh. Actually it is quite an interesting account, though it hasn’t got much to do with anarchism as such; the poverty people suffered under then was quite terrible. I am trying to have some idea for making the book more attractive; such as finding some illustrations, such as maps of the area, finding out about the reform bill passed in 1832 and a picture or drawing of the uniform of the regiment he served in.


Dissent network meeting in Glasgow

Last weekend saw the Dissent gathering happening in Glasgow. The media even brought an article about the gathering, see The Scotsman Though some people thought that the media coverage of Dissent could be improved, the article as such does not really seem to be that hostile. It is quite funny though how the journalists at once assume there is something hidden from them just because the venue changed- obviously they probably can’t imagine that we are that disorganised to not know where to meet in a days or 2 time. As such the Dissent! gathering was actually quite good; no big confrontations as expected, no physical confrontations between hostile cliques, groups or attitudes as it was feared by some, and quite constructive discussions, though important issues were hardly mentioned nor – of course- resolved.


Food Hygiene and Grant

Pretty spontaneous it was possibly to go on a course and get a qualification in Food Hygiene, which might be helpful for food kitchen stuff. Got also a reply for the grant proposal, and its looking good, though not much money, but would be for the first time a proposal is successful.


G8 mobilisation

I am getting pretty annoyed with the Dissent! network. nearly every email on the list makes me incredibly angry. It is distracting also a lot from what we should actually do locally, and even more, what would be satisfying, positive and encouraging. I do feel there is too much manipulation going on in the network, without the groundwork being done. It’s really not fun anymore. I visited the Edinburgh Cats and Dogs Home today, as I am considering getting a dog. There are some lovely dogs there, and even a litter of puppies to give away. But puppies take probably a lot more time, so am considering to either get one of the retired greyhounds or either the Labrador cross or the spaniel.