more poems

Submission by ab I have found nice poems. Here is the URL: I really like the Hubschraubereinsatz and some of the others. Got it recommended on IRC – Internet Relay Chat, and thought I share it with you. Unfortunately this contribution was made on 17th of January, I still have to get my head round administrating the site. just in case the site ever goes down: Hubschraubereinsatz Handtaschenräuber! Handtaschenräuber! Überall, überall Handtaschenräuber! Da hilft nur noch Hubschraubereinsatz! Scheinasylanten! Scheinasylanten! Überall, überall Scheinasylanten! Da hilft nur noch Hubschraubereinsatz! Auf das Podest vor dem öffentlichen Amt tritt ein namhafter Mann, allen bekannt,


Indymedia blogs, Mayday, G8, anticapitalist events in Scotland

Okay, so Rabble has now cleaned up his site and put up an Indymedia bloggers site. Unfortunately, I don’t qualify as I don’t update often enough, only every now and again. Not that I don’t want to or have nothing to say, it’s just because I am so busy. For example, next week my parents are visiting. Till then I have got to tidy up and clean the whole flat, this might take a while, as I delayed this for some months. Especially as everything is covered with political flyers and pamphlets, posters, leaflets and books I either haven’t yet been finding the time to read, or they remind me of something and that’s why I don’t want to throw them away; they might still be useful some day!


Quick update

Quick update for rabble 🙂 since February there has been: – the computer was hacked, which caused us to be offline a bit and rebuild all the systems, also the email did not work either. – IMC Scotland on DADA is now working: Still, we need to change the layout and figure out how to carry over all the articles and postings from , also we need to decide now about the editorial policy. I quite like to experiment with voting/rating articles. – we had several success films and speakers events with the Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Campaign and a wonderful social with extremely good food!


winter holiday: exciting Christmas

Just back from the winter holidays. Recognized the last entry has been months ago. Despite a lot has being happening. It must be the dark times, with the rain which just makes everything grey and apathetic as is the IMC UK Frontpage. We had basically agreed to exchange the grey for blue, but the access is limited, despite that, nobody seemed to bring up the energy for css work. However, being on holidays, I met a lot of friends and got to hear about new projects and initiatives. For example, the Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Campaign wants to organise distributing coffee throughout Edinburgh and Britain.


More anarchoblogs

Rabble has got a blog, too. And he even links to mine! Isn’t that nice? I would really like to RSS feed, because he does really cool articles, especially about latin america, but unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to RSS- feed headlines of news only. As soon as I find out I will try to rss-feed imcuk audio and IMC Uk middle column and lots of IMC bloggers RSS-feed. And I am very happy that Lord Rich, the author of the famous spoof BBC i-can’t website, is commenting here, too. Cheers! 🙂