Edinburgh Chiapas Social Event

Tonight there is an Edinburgh Chiapas Social event planned. Luckily, I am only roped in for transport – o no, just forgot to organise the film I am supposed to bring….need to arrange that now. The Group will be showing “Zapatista” from Big Noise Tactical and some short films made by the Chiapas Media Project and by Kiptik. Unfortunately, the venue used tonight and otherwise quite frequently is being sold – offers sought for about 800 000 English pounds. Otherwise, the new Indymedia Scotland website seems to be taking off slowly. We had at least 5 new features in the last 3 days!


Welcome IndyBloggers

It is good to see this blog now feed into Indybloggers, thanks to my good friend Space Bunny who managed to catch Rabble in Internet Relay Chat when he was briefly online from India doing good work by helping Indymedia there and Bunny asked Rabble to add it. But he did add this to a blog under Bunny’s name by mistake. Me (as AnarchoBabe) and Space Bunny are very close but we are different people. Also it seems my rss feed does not come with dates, so all titles in it get top billing on Indyboggers. I may have to work out how to pass some options to it in the URL to get a better feed source.


Wireless internet access

Yesterday we went to the [CCA][1] – the Centre of Contemporary Art in Glasgow. This is actually an excellent location for any revolutionary being an artist by profession, as these are one of the few Art “Museums” that don’t shy away from working-class and revolutionary art – in the real sense of the word. Although me myself being quite ignorant particularly to Modern Art, the CCA is well worth recommending a visit to everybody. Last weeks event was [Machinista][2], loosely entitled to be _“ART FROM THE MACHINE: Gleams of the Inhuman”_. Apart from this odd title and [garlic][3] in weird places it was quite a useful and fun event which was particularly used to promote GNU/Linux Software for audio, video and similar, Workshops on Open Source and Free Software, Wireless networking, and similar.


new Glasgow Social Centre, Dublin Mayday, G8

The new Printworks Social Centre is now open in Glasgow. The Glasgow Autonomous Project have worked very hard to open it, and they have managed to get a fantastic space in an excellent location. Also, one issue I was always wondering about got resolved via this interview: Why Kinning Park Community Centre could not be used more for activist purposes. Apparently, there was a fire in a local school and the community centre is used as a replacement location. Anyway, I tried to get in contact with the Kinning Park administrator for over a month now to ask if it could be used for a weekend event and it seems quite difficult to get in touch.


Dublin mayday

Just got over to Dublin. Am quite exhausted as yesterday had an Avid Editing course and a community activist training on communication keeping me busy from 8 am till 10 pm. Anyway, we managed to make 2 nice clips, one is not yet finished. They need to be compressed to be uploaded to the Internet and to Indymedia, as now nearly every minute is 350 MB. Anyway it was good fun and thoroughly enjoyed it. Today luckily I got borrowed out a camcorder, so I can do video footage at the protests, if i feel like it. Unfortunately the accommodation did not work out as planned: the 10 places for Indymedia people by Ireland Indymedia seemed not to have been obviously arranged, and the squat for the activists to stay in was raided yesterday night and three people arrested.