nearly arrested

The cat has finished its hunger strike and this morning I was nearly arrested. Getting up this morning I was just reading about an action at BAE so I just hopped along there. It all seemed to be pretty calm and relaxed but as soon as I started to take pictures, the police started chasing me to tell me either to stop taking pictures or to get arrested at once. This never happened to me before, and not in Edinburgh, Scotland.


cat’s pestering

The cat is pestering me. It has gone on hunger strike. It does not like the cheap ordinary food and is boycotting it, but it’s now pestering me to give it multinational corporation cat food. It has this look on its face: “What – you really expect me to eat THAT?” and then it just turns its back to me and disappears behind the sofa until it gets Whiskas. Comments Comment by John Oddie on 2006-07-20 02:50:09 +0100 Hey, what a great site, keep up the work, its excellent.


more holidays

Yes, yes, yes the boring time of the year has arrived. Everybody is on holiday or comes back from holidays or is planning holidays. The best is, since yesterday, life is much more exciting because I have got a cat for a month, whilst a friend of mine is on holiday. And finally, after tidying up, i managed to find in the allotment application form which I had last seen 2 years ago. Well, the waiting time for a plot is about 4-6 years, and for a garage, it is even more, at the moment it is 7 years. The office stated he would backdate it, but couldn’t promise he could backdate the application for 2 years.


last days

The last days were boring. It seems it’s summer and everybody disappears into holidays or has exams or whatever. I did not make to send it the application for the dream job. First of all, I wouldn’t have got it anyway. objective chances are probably 1:10 000 or something. Because the bad thing about dream jobs is that there are a lot of people apart from me, who want the same job, too. And when i discussed the application with some friends and gave it to them to read, basically they mentioned that the content is good as always, but the writing style is not good enough for that particular job.


Interview mit Richard Stallman

Abschrift eines Interviews mit Richard Stallman, welches mit Hilfe der Informatikabteiling der Universität Edinburgh, an 27.Mai.2004 stattfand. Richard Stallman is der Gruender des GNU Project, welches er 1984 began um das freie software Betriebssystem GNU zu erschaffen. GNU ist heutzutage ein essentieller Bestandteil des GNU/Linux Systems, welches die meisten Menschen ausschließlich unter den Namen Linux kennen. Er erfand außerdem das urheberrechtliche Copyleft. Er graduierte 1974 von Harvard und wurde mit vielen Ehrentiteln und Auszeichnungen in Zusammenhang mit den Resultaten seiner ethischen Einstellung honoriert. 1.) Ein Mensch widmet nicht sein ganzes Leben dem Entwickeln einer neuen Freiheitsform ohne vorher eine existierende Überzeugung zu besitzen, die ihn dazu treibt.