socks and stuff

Who would believe it? Have sold 2 pairs of self-knitted socks at the Forest! Anyway, if anybody feels a desperate need for self-knitted socks – I have a vast supply of them, thanks to my mum. The whole fall-out with people in the political movement still draws it circles…have been told, that actually some people from the Dissent!G8 network wanted me out anyway, and they tried to persuade friends of mine to give us a kick. These included people staying in my house for gatherings and other visits, people who I have cleaned up a squat with for providing accommodation for the ESF thanks to their invitation, and people in whose house I have stayed, too, and people who I have brought myself in shit for at Dublin Mayday because of standing up for them in the Indymedia network.


LARC statement

The statement of LARC has been issued now via an email list. The arguments are pretty crap, though.[see body of text]. On another level, the local anti-G8 mobilising group Reshape was threatened to loose the funds for providing a convergence centre next year during the G8 summit, if there won’t be a PGA conference hosted in the convergence centre. One problem with PGA is that it is not accountable anymore. As in Germany I watched a documentary “Das Unbehagen in der Globalisierung”, made by Swiss Television, about the beginnings of the PGA in 1998, and it has moved away a lot from the attractivity, enthusiasm, equality and visions it had then to a nearly totalitarian, monopolising position in the anticapitalist movement.


how to get a new life

So, I am eagerly waiting for a report from the Newcastle meeting. Cutting off such a big part of one’s life isn’t that easy, but I have learned a lot, and my struggle against injustice will never seize, there are many outlets to improve the world, even if it is just joining Amnesty International, and at least I can say that the local crowd involved in the Autonomous Centre is usually pretty fantastic, trustworthy and reliable. One good thing about this crisis is, that you learn to know who you can rely on and who not. Surprise! Surprise! lots of women and local activists who know me, get back with supportive messages, and so do some Indymedia people from outside London.


DissentG8, PGA and more on the expulsion

Today, there would be a gathering in Newcastle to resist the G8 meeting next year in Gleneagles, which is just around the corner. I decided not to go, as I am still pissed off with the expulsion and I don’t want to meet people this weekend who have been involved in that decision. This expulsion raises serious doubts if an anarchist anti-capitalist society post-revolution would be any better than the capitalist society we have at the moment. Because people and humans will not be better post-revolution than before. There will still be people who are greedy, jealous, arrogant, intransigent, false backstabbing badmouthing assholes, gossiping, cliquey, elitist, racist, patriarchal, sexist, selfish, violent, mobbing, and whatever character traits are unfashionable then and now.


London Action Resource Centre

Yesterday, there was the AGM – the Annual General Meeting at LARC, the London Action Resource Centre. Usually, it would not concern me, because the place is too far away to be of any practical relevance to organise here and now; for that, we have our run down, broken ACE, the Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh. But yesterday, there were two friends of mine expelled from this political space, and this pisses me off, because both are honest and trustworthy in personal and political affairs, and in my opinion, this expulsion raises serious questions and doubts about the politics of that space.