Stewart Home: Blow Job

Blow Job ist das dritte Buch, das im Nautilus Verlag von Stewart Home erscheint. Nach den Erstlingsroman: “Pure Mania- Purer Wahnsinn; Sexual Perversion at ist most!” folgte “Stellungskrieg” dem Schlachtruf: “Anarchie! Faulheit! Polymorphe Perversion!” Und nun, seit Februar 2001: “Blow Job”. In Englisch sind ausserdem als Roman: “Red London” (Marx, Christ and Satan united in struggle!) und, als neustes Werk “Cunt” (Fotze) erschienen, mit dem Titel zum Aufkleben auf dem Buchruecken, ihr wisst schon warum. Theoretische Buecher sind “Neoism, Plagiarism & Praxis”, “What is Situationism?” , “Cranked up really high” (Ueber Punk), “The assault on Culture”. “Blow Job” sei Stuarts bestes Buch bisher, versichert mir der Zeremonienmeister der Stewart Home Society.


Review of “(un)comfortably numb – a prison requiem”

by Maureen Maguire, Luath Press Limited, Edinburgh, price £ 8.99, get via WordPower or directly from Luath Press, ca 235 pages The book is divided into different parts, giving a short overview of the life of each of the eight women committing suicide in Cornton Vale from June 95 to July 98. The book concentrates then on the life of Yvonne Gilmour, who committed suicide on Christmas Eve in 96. The book is based on the inquiries in terms of the Fatal Accidents and Sudden Death Inquiry (Scotland) Act 1976 Section 6 (I) (c) and therefore based on the questionings of inmates, prison authorities, psychologists, medics, social and drug workers, and family members.


Review of: “pregnancy and birth: in support of autonomy”

by WHIC, Women’s Health Information Collective, Glasgow, distributed via AK Press and printed by Clydeside Press, for the price of £3.00, ca.170 pages This is a collection of articles contributed by various women on the aspect of birth, but focussing mainly on the mother and her feelings and problems, not so much on the baby. It gives self-experienced advice on nutrition, herbs, aromatherapy, homoeopathy, shiatsu, alexander technique, homebirth, breastfeeding, vaginal birth after caesarean, and breathing, movement and optimal fetal positioning. The second part of the book is a collection of birth stories and how they wanted it to happen, their plans and how it actually went.


A colourful life for the bend line – Artist Friedrich Hundertwasser died

About Friedrich Hundertwasser: a translated article from the german daily magazine LVZ (Leipziger Volks Zeitung ) A colourful life for the bend line the artist and architect Friedrich Hundertwasser has died/ public liked him, but critics didn’t His whole life he was accused of creating trash – but he was one of the most popular artist of our days. Last weekend the austrian artist and architect Friedrich Hundertwasser died on board of his cruising ship “Queen Elizabeth II” in the middle of the pacific ocean. He is going to be buried like he wanted to: in his own “garden of the happy dead” in New Zealand.