
I am off dog-sitting for some days. Am quite looking forward to it, though here in Britain they have regulations that dog-owners have to pick up the dog-shit as there is a 500 pound fine (I think its 500, maybe this is the maximum). This dog shit fine is probably singular in the world.

Am looking forward to getting the promised camcorder, so desperately needed. Hopefully it is in my hand next weekend, and then it is off making videos!
There is an especially interesting article on the Centre for Social Media Studies.

Richard Stallman has a blog now, which is offering a write-up of quite extraordinary encounters, like e.g. with the President of Venezuela Chavez, and definitely worth a read; though I am really happy he did not write it yet when he was in Edinburgh, it might have been otherwise a bit embarrasing.

Am still trying to decide on which videos to screen where, when and how to partly finance the room and projector hire.
Have been offered to do one in Stirling and one in London, and am thinking about resuming screenings in Edinburgh as well as finding a place in Perth. Maybe I should also ask in Falkirk and Dunblane?
Perth poses most of the problems.
And it is difficult to decide the programme: for a start it can’t be more than 6-12 screening per place; and then it is the question what would be suitable best? As well as a variety of topics, and points of views.
I would be eager to also vary between feature films and documentaries, but it seems best to be focussing just on documentaries as not much screening opportunities left, the educational and discussion value and because of copyright issues.

Am reading now the last German book I got in 2004 – about the Zapatistas in their anniversary year. It is brightly orange, but have forgotten the title, and it has lots of testimonies by the Zapatistas themselves. It is absolutely brilliant. “20 +10 – The Fire and the Word”. By Gloria Munoz Ramirez.

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