
Just watching videos as having bad cold. “Surplus” is absolutely great, will try to get an english version to screen in Edinburgh and somewhere else. “Hacktivists” is great, too, also a german version by ARTE. “Aljazeera exclusive” is also brilliant, by BBC world, should be seen by every journalist student. “El Che- investigating a legend” is very educating, but would be even more so if the interviews would be subtitles in english. The film includes lots of rare footage, unfortunately I still don’t know what exactly happened in Bolivia as the interviews with the eye witnesses weren’t translated, and there was no footage.
Also watched “Linux-The Code”, subtitled swedish. Unfortunately some interviews, such as with the Open Source movment in China, and with Linus Torvalds parents, are also untranslated in the original language.
Furthermore I watched “Exilio” a documentary film about the Spanish Civil War by Spanish Television, focussing particularly on the end of the Spanish Civil war, when most of the Republicans and Anarchists fled into Exile, and what became of them later. It is quite a sad film, to see, that the people fleeing to Mexico seemed to be the best of. Some fleeing to Argentina were later tortured to death, many were put into concentration camps in Spain, France, North Africa, and later transported to Nazi Germanys extermination camps.

What a pity british television is so crap. Though better than US American. At least most of the TV on Saturday is about sports, in the evening it is gardening, house and holiday programmes, sometimes an antique show and occasionally some news and really bad TV series here by BBC Scotland, which tries to give a romantic flavour to living cut off and isolated. Not that much violence at least nor advertising.

Have found some old articles I previously haven’t published because of these being so long, about my experiences at various protests and similar. Maybe will post them in the blog.

The blog is erroring further. Even the link to this blog seem to be erroring. Well, now that hardly anybody reads it maybe I could just publish the 17 pages long article “My experience of the Evian G8 protests in 2003”.

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