Blogging strike!

The last days I have been on a blogging strike. Unfortunately, I don’t think anybody noticed. The strike is against too much nonsense on the internet, and in particular in mainstream media. So was one of the latest articles: “Breaking News – Hamster returns happy and healthy after two days disappearance”, it was a bit of a piss-take. Slightly Paris Hilton like. But again, big astonishment as nobody noticed. Sometimes my science degree just breaks through – I can’t bear long articles with hardly any content nor intelligent thoughts. That’s probably why I hate Sunday papers – there are just too many words padded around the gist of an article, it’s so annoying.


Dissertation troubles

For the last week, I have been working on my dissertation, as I suddenly realised how far I am behind in the timetable. It has to be submitted on the 7th of September, and then there is the Festival in August, family holidays, the time for printing and binding the work and a lot of other things coming up. I am still unsure if I should stick with my original topic of “Alternative Media in Scotland” or change to “R_eporting the G8 summit 2007 in Germany_“. Finally, I have been able to upload the first video to . Now I hope that there will be enough positive feedback and good responses to hopefully get it on TV if it is regarded to be good enough.


How to write your address book…

I am a news junky. Can’t get enough of it. Unfortunately, most coverage seems disappointing and boring, as it seems quite removed and distant actually from (my) life. So, in the end, the hamster disappearance is more important to me than Gordon Brown’s prime ministerial adventures, or Big Brothers potential love and relationship conflicts or even the poor Alan Johnson saga.


Breaking News: Hamster returns happy and healthy after 2 days disappearance!!!!

Thank God, Fluffy is back. He sneaked off on Thursday night when he was having a run in the living room. Unfortunately, the living room door was open(ed), maybe by Fluffy himself, and then he was gone. At first, I did not worry as he is very curious, but when he is exhausted, he usually comes back for some food and water and just to check on what’s new around his home and if his hoard is still okay. But this time he didn’t. So I went to bed thinking that he might chill out somewhere in the bedroom or that I would hear him rampaging and gnawing anyways when he is having his nocturnal adventures and then be able to pick him up again.


The last English G8 interviews

Sam, student, 2min, mp3 Sam, student, 2min, ogg-vorbis Ambidox, French communarde, 4min, mp3 Ambidox, French communarde, 4min, ogg-vorbis Here is an interview with Dave from London, who is organising conscious clubbing events. Its 22min long, but a nice, friendly, good-mooded chat about the protests and personal life. Dave, conscious clubbing, 22min, mp3 Dave, conscious clubbing, 22min, ogg-vorbis