Adolf’s 10th Fringe anniversary: Review for Three Weeks

Guy Masterson

Mankind is forever mulling over why it was possible for the Holocaust to happen. In this play, Pip Utton searches for the answer in solely exploring the personality of Adolf Hitler and his appeal to the masses. This is the tenth year the actor performs this show at The Fringe, and his award-winning performance is still hard-hitting and disturbing. The one person show consists of two parts; the first is about Adolf Hitler’s last remaining hours in the Berlin bunker in 1945, the second about everyday racism and discrimination. Despite significant historical inaccuracies, the rest of the bleak set-up, choreography, sound effects and performance are flawless; history is kept alive to warn us of its possible repetition.

Assembly Universal Arts, Freemason’s Hall, 3 -27 Aug (not 15 Aug), prices vary, ffp 170.
rating 4/5

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