The two G8prisoners who were on remand are both out of jail now. Both pleaded guilty and got released after the intermediate diet.
The dog is back to its owners and I miss it. At the end we really got on well, though the dog was too intelligent for its own good – like it does not obey any commands if it thinks there is no reason for it, and runs over the big roads, hunting cats into the old people’s home’s garden and always tries to find holes in fences to suddenly appear at the other side pretending not to know how to get back.
If it would have stayed longer here I might have tried to go to some Agility dog training with it, as it likes running, jumping, climbing up and down and through things, but it might have had problems with the slalom.
Or to try to train it to sniff thingies, as it seemed to have a German shepherd dog’s nose glued to a border collies body (it is a mix) it could have been probably very good at sniffing people or following tracks (like the cats’) or things or similar.