Tonight there is an Edinburgh Chiapas Social event planned. Luckily, I am only roped in for transport – o no, just forgot to organise the film I am supposed to bring….need to arrange that now. The Group will be showing “Zapatista” from Big Noise Tactical and some short films made by the Chiapas Media Project and by Kiptik.
Unfortunately, the venue used tonight and otherwise quite frequently is being sold – offers sought for about 800 000 English pounds.
Otherwise, the new Indymedia Scotland website seems to be taking off slowly. We had at least 5 new features in the last 3 days! That still outnumbers the amount of ordinary contributions to the site, but good to see people getting enthusiastic about it.
Otherwise, I am reading an Introduction to Rousseau at the moment, as well as a pamphlet about permaculture, which is short for “PERMAnent agriCULTURE”.It is all about sustainability. There are occasionally courses offered in Edinburgh about permaculture, but they are actually quite expensive, so that’s how I got curious to read about it.
And just to recommend reading this: Workers Without Bosses – a website for solidarity with the self-organised (formerly occupied) factory Brukman in Argentina. Also, there seems to be a project developing in organising spare and replacement parts for the sewing machines to the collectively run project. The webmaster is still building up the site, and feedback is appreciated. 🙂
On another note: according to June Welt there is a general strike in Bolivia on for about 2 weeks and it seems the president’s seat is wobbly again, still, the same issue with Bolivias natural gas resources and the neoliberal sell-out policy of the IMF/WB imposed on them. Also there is another feature about Indigenas blockading multinational corporations because of the gas war, this feature is by Imc Bolivia which waits to be translated.
Also Indymedia Austria is offline at the moment – pretty sad actually, they seem to want to switch to a 2 wires editorial policy similar to Indymedia Germany.