Quick update for rabble 🙂
since February there has been:
– the computer was hacked, which caused us to be offline a bit and rebuild all the systems, also the email did not work either.
– IMC Scotland on DADA is now working: http://scotland.indymedia.org
Still, we need to change the layout and figure out how to carry over all the articles and postings from http://scotland.indymedia.org.uk , also we need to decide now about the editorial policy. I quite like to experiment with voting/rating articles.
– we had several success films and speakers events with the Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Campaign and a wonderful social with extremely good food! Also, speakers from Kiptick came up to talk about how to build water systems and similar and brought brilliant films with them.
– also we had our first film screening in the Nicol Edwards pub, which has a groovy little cinema, with the filmmaker and cameraman and producer. The film was about a pirate radio station in Glasgow.
– There has been quite a lot of other stuff that happened- will keep you updated later on in the body text.