Films! Good Films! Anti-capitalist Films!

On Friday we finally had the Lost Film Festival here in Edinburgh.
It was great, absolutely fantastic! We didn’t get to see the promised “riot porn” though, but we got to see other fantastic funny short clips.
One of the most amazing films was a small documentary about the Yes Men, who maintain the spoof website There are actually intellectuals falling for this website, inviting expert speakers to their conferences and getting the most amazing spoof speeches out of the assumedly WTO representatives.
Also to see was the “Jerry Springer Show” spoof and the “Ring of Free trade”, which was fantastic!! What was also great was George Bush war speech in alphabetical order. There is a whole film about this, which was on at the Sheffield International Film Festival, but we only saw the clip “Terror, Iraq, Weapons”.It is said that the whole film would have been made by a German Girl, but I don’t think so- more likely she saw the political clip and did her own full version.

Anyway, there were around a hundred people coming to the film festival, which was organised at short notice, and took place in the Forest Cafe.The volunteers at the bar were really great and tried to be as quiet as possible.
Noise is always a bit of a problem in the Forest.

On Saturday the screening of “Old enough to know better” by “Pilton Video” made together with “Edinburgh Youth against the War” was also a fantastic success. Over 300 people came to see the film, it was a total sell-out in the Edinburgh Filmhouse biggest cinema. Hopefully they will now consider screening more political and community films, IMHO they are a bit elitist and too absorbed in themselves sometimes to get in touch with the real world.

Another useful link here to the Surveillance Camera Players.

So what is on tonight?

AK press will hold and organise a quiz night for an ace benefit and social night.
Also there might be a webradio launch of Indymedia Scotland re-broadcasting from the FTAA in Miami, which is a forthcoming event in about a week and a halves time.

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